Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 1: Upload your photograph. A photo of your face contains a unique scalar light signature. This can be used to transmit and deliver scalar light energy to you.
Step 2: Using the photograph, the unique Scalar Light instrument will transmit powerful scalar light energy and will administer Scalar Energy to you. Wherever you are in the world, Scalar Energy will reach you.
Step 3: While you go about your normal daily life, three unique light energy waves will be administered to your photograph using the Scalar Light Instrument. These are known as the Spirit, Mind and Body Trinity Sessions. Scalar Energy will actively work with your body to balance the energy centers, break down unwanted substances and assemble important elements for health and wellness.

Enter your name and email address below to begin your Complimentary Sessions!


Please know that duplicate registrations will be cancelled. If you feel you are declined in error, contact support@scalarlight.com. All scalar light sessions require the consent of an adult person participating in the free sessions.

All free trials are available ONE time, per individual. Feel free to share this website with friends and family, to encourage them to also take advantage of our Free Trial. Each adult is responsible for uploading their own photo for the trial. You may, however, include photos of your children (under the age of 18) as well as family pets. Please know that duplicate registrations will be cancelled. If you feel you are declined in error, contact support@scalarlight.com.

FREE trial with no obligation.
No appointments, no work - Just continue life as normal.


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1767 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., # 231
Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34211 USA

Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics

Scalar Light does not treat, cure, or prevent disease. All Scalar Light Programs are administered by custom-built Scalar Light instruments that administer Scalar Light Divine Intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, the Scalar Light technology is ground-breaking and the Scalar Light Programs are unique.

Copyright © 2025 Scalar Light. All Rights Reserved.